Monday, January 22, 2007

Monday--no snow day :(

I was kind of hoping for a snow day, but not too hard since I had a workshop I would have gone to anyway. When I got home I motivated and worked on a few little things with Thai. We bopped and worked on getting it on cue instead of just madly bopping in hopes of a reward from the sky. Self control is hard LOL. She definitely has the idea of the sit after the bop. I wonder if it is bad to have that sit too automatic after the bop (Laura?). Then on to some stands which she still knows the signal for, but not the verbal only so worked on that. Walked around, over and tossed food from behind her and she was solid on the stay part of the stand. Then did some sits, downs and stands. Doing so many sits she had some trouble with the down from the stand, but a few rewards later we had it back to being as quick and clean as ever. Then on to some very nice fronts. She definitely has the idea of getting out and around my foot and I'm not sticking it out so far I look like I have a broken leg. Then some about turns, mainly rewarding when my toes are together. Also worked the get in. Then the hold with the dumbbell. She let me get both hands on the ends without spitting it out. It seems like the mouthing is only their when she is impatient for me to get the dumbbell so she can get her treat. So I need to work on increasing the interval while she holds the dumbbell. Then did a sit while feeding the cat in front of her (talk about torture) and a down while I typed this LOL

I notice I need to start using the rule I use with my students, that I can't start any sentence in the same paragraph with the same word. Could I use Then one more time?

Maybe I'll just blame it on fatigue!!!!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Then again you could almost perhaps require another beginning of the start to proceed unhindered by the then previously mentioned sentence structure within the confines of your paragraphical geography to liberate your then fatigued being and float sublimely in a sphere of then abandoned and forever guiltless thenism. Have a glass of wine.