Sunday, January 21, 2007

Winter has Come

Well, snow has finally started to fall here in Ohio. First I took Thai tracking. Boy is she a visual dog. It was a 3 legged track, with a 90 degree left turn and then an open right turn. Each leg about 50 yards. She started strong with her nose to the ground, then looked up and kept going, dropping her head every once in a while to double check she was right. When there was another set of tracks she'd sniff them, go "nope, not it" and go back to the correct track. Overshot the first corner a tad, but quickly came back and found the second corner dead on. She doesn't circle her corners yet like her brother. I need to stop leaving food after the corners or anywhere but the end because she'll be tracking along, get a few feet past the food and say "whooooaaa, what was that smell?" and back track to find the food.

Then we went to Petsmart to train. It was busy and we worked a lot on attention in the face of strange dogs and snow monsters LOL. She did some nice straight line heeling down the rows, right up to people and dogs and sit with never attention off my face. We worked about turns and left turns at the end, when she was more comfortable. Her fronts were nice, even under the stress of the store, but the bop feel apart and we had to backup to just bopping. Stands were nice, but didn't see anyone I would ask to go over my dog LOL. Her sits were also nice.

Now it's freezing rain and we are all holed up in the house snoozing :)


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