Saturday, January 27, 2007


What a week at school. So there was no way I could get up and go to an agility trial and have fun or be fair to my dog. So a million thanks to Belinda and Bill for letting me come over and train, which for me is a great stress reducer. Of course, I over slept and got there like a half hour (or hour) late. Thai and I had fun. We did some bops and put up the broad jump boards as guides. It took some time for her to realize she wasn't bopping the boards...very amusing. Her heeling is less forgy and she did a good job of ignoring Belinda's distractions. I HAVE to remember when I go to Polaris Wed. to back way up. Get out the food. Keep it short! I digress. After the big circle heeling and serpentines we did some left hand turns. She was getting in nicely. The about turns were also looking nice and tight.
Holding the dumbbell is also increasing even in different places. Fronts were cute and she managed to do them even with Belinda staring at her butt LOL.
Belinda laid a nice little track in the snow...30 to 50 steps on each leg, one right and one left hand corner. Thai nailed it.
On the stays she laid down twice at the beginning sitting between Breezy and Greta and then was fine for the last 2 min. and never thought of moving on the 5 min. down.

I came home in a much better frame of mind so maybe I'll go agility it tomorrow...or not..we'll see!

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